Curtis Collections Revenue Stamps
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Part 1

Applies to multiples only of the First through Third Documentary issues (R1-R151) and Proprietary issues (RB1-RB19). Single stamps, however scarce, are not included.

1. The inclusion of pairs in the Census is set at a minimum Scott catalogue value of $25.00. Those of lesser value are not included regardless of count. As catalogue prices increase, however, it may become necessary to add pairs to the Census that once were below the $25.00 minimum.

2. The $25.00 minimum for pairs does not apply to larger multiples because blocks and strips may prove to be scarce despite a low catalogue value.

3. Once a tally of 10 is reached for a multiple, that multiple and those of lesser size are deleted from the individual listings. Horizontal and vertical pairs are treated as distinctive and separate categories. Records for discontinued multiples are retained in our archive and can be accessed if necessary for future reference, but new additions are no longer added to inactive files.

4. Sources for the Curtis Collection census are auction catalogues, books, publications, the internet and private collections. With auctions, the first date is used even though the auction may have entailed several sessions over a period of several days. Some multiples are listed without photos. To be listed, such multiples must have "unique" properties so as not to be confused with other similar multiples. In any event, a record will be deleted rather than to chance duplication. In some instances the large size of a multiple determines that it can not be confused with another multiple of that catalogue number. Catalogue designations are by lot number. Internet sources are identified by month and year, not seller, unless offered by a well-known dealer or collector. Collectors' names are used only by permission. Those wishing to remain anonymous are designated by "a" or initials of their own choosing.

5. Repaired, reconstructed or reinforced multiples are so-noted if that information is known to us. Reconstructed multiples are listed in their largest form. Faults are not noted.

6. Part-perf pairs that are perforated between are a particular problem. Extensive trimming of perfs and/or the addition of perfs are common methods of altering a multiple. It therefore becomes a matter of judgment as to the genuineness of part-perf pairs for the census. We try to be as conservative as possible.

7. Records obtained from old catalogues are to be viewed with caution. Multiples as originally listed may no longer exist in that form today, and may have been broken up for easier sale. Conversely, reconstruction of small multiples into larger ones is not uncommon. These are counted in the larger form and noted as "reconstr" in the census.

8. Because of space restraints, multiples with a history of numerous sales throughout the years usually are limited to three in the census, with some of the middle transactions omitted. Re-offered multiples that did not sell in earlier auctions by the same vendor will bear the latest date unless in excess of one year.

Part 2

Part 2 includes singles and multiples of U. S. Revenue Documentaries (R152-R734), Proprietaries (RB20-RB73), Future Deliveries (RC1-RC28) and Stock Transfers (RD1-RD372). The format is similar to Part 1, with

the following exceptions:

1. Singles. Unlike Part 1, singles have been added to Part 2 as an additional category. To qualify for the census, a single must catalogue at least $25.00. Mint (m) and used (u) are separate categories.

a. Mint. Must have at least partial original gum. No-gum examples are considered to be used. The exception to this is serial-numbered stamps with no gum as issued (NGAI).

b. Used. Used are based on Scott's uncut catalogue value of at least $25.00, but for census purposes, all used examples are included. The additional term of (cc) cut, (pi) perf-in, (sh) staple holes and "punched" identifies these conditions.


2. Multiples. Multiples follow singles in the listing and appear in descending size order, with configuration also included. Mint or used are not considerations in the tally of multiples but will be noted "m" (mint) or "u" (used). Blocks of four are the lowest multiple category in Part 2. The $25.00 catalogue limitation does not apply to multiples. With serial-numbered stamps, only vertical strips of four are listed as multiples. In determining whether a single stamp exists in a quantity of 10 or more, multiples are included in the singles count.


3. Scans. Scans accompany the majority of serial numbered stamps, but not all of them.


© Curtis Collection 2025